Fact of the Day: The Social Security Wage Cap For 2014 Is $117,000

In a “Fact of the Day” article last November, I wrote that, “eliminating the [Social Security] wage cap while keeping the benefits cap produces a Social Security surplus.” But you don’t have to take my word for it as this is a fact backed up by the Congressional Research Service. But it’s also just common sense. If you lift the revenue limiter (the wage cap) but you pay out the same benefits, obviously Social Security will be solvent for some time to come.

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Fact of the Day: Executive Compensation Is A Corporate Tax Deduction – Yes, That’s Really A Thing

Obviously I’ve had my head buried in the sand, because I was totally unaware that corporations can deduct executive pay from their federal income taxes. So what this means is, average tax payers are subsidizing a tax deduction for some of the richest corporations on the planet. And that might be fine if it was a tax deduction meant to spur something for the good of society. But no, it’s just a tax deduction that helps wealthy fucks pay other wealthy fucks large sums of money. — Robert Reich explains it with a lot more restraint than I.

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Fact of the Day: In 2012, Corporate Profits Hit Record 11.1 Percent Of GDP

Corporate Profits - Percent of GDP - Quarter 3, 2012It might only be four years and change since the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, but you wouldn’t know it if you looked at corporate profits of late. In the 3rd quarter of 2012, corporate profits hit an all-time high of 11.1% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This is at the same time that the unemployment rate is still nearly 8%, and wages are stagnant or worse.

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Fact of the Day: The Social Security Wage Cap For 2013 Is $113,700

What is the Social Security “wage cap”? It’s the maximum income level taxed at the 6.2% rate for Social Security benefits. All income above the cap ($113,700 in 2013) is free and clear of Social Security (payroll) taxes. Yes, you read that correctly. All income above the wage cap is exempt from Social Security tax. It’s safe to say this is quite a regressive tax.

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