The Trump-Republican Voter Fraud Fiction

With Donald Trump’s continued vanity project, winning the electoral college and the presidency wasn’t enough. It must really stick in his craw that he lost the popular vote. So, he must do as all autocratic leaders do. Lie. And so Trump spins a tale about millions of people who voted illegally, and amazingly all for Hillary Clinton.

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Obama’s Presidency Led To Trump’s White Nationalist Populism

When the “Taxed Enough Already” protest signs started appearing just after Barack Obama’s first inauguration, we should have seen this coming. When those protest signs turned into a conservative political coalition called the Tea Party, we should have seen this coming. When Donald Trump presided over the “birther” freak show, we should have seen this coming.

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Does Hillary Clinton Want To Abolish The 2nd Amendment?

It took just twenty-four hours for Donald Trump to torpedo his latest “reboot.” One day after an economic speech intended to put his campaign back on track, Trump suggested “Second Amendment people” might be able to stop Hillary Clinton from appointing “judges.” While his comment could be viewed as ambiguous in a sanitized context, it’s hardly a stretch for someone to interpret it to mean an armed uprising against a U.S. president. Even if it was just a joke, and even if we can debate the meaning, the problem is not the intent, the problem is that it was said at all.

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Is Trump Trying To Win? Because It’s Not Clear To Me

In the week after the two conventions, Donald Trump is suffering from an existential crisis of candidacy, something you’d expect to happen during primary season, resulting in an exit from the race. The only problem for Trump is that he actually won the Republican primary and was nominated by his party to be our next president. So what else can explain Trump’s post-convention failings? Is it just Trump being Trump? I guess for most of his supporters nothing has changed, save for the “lamestream media” being unfair to their candidate, as they’d like us to believe. His supporters have already established that in their minds Trump can do no wrong, and some actually say this out-loud. The problem for Trump, however, is that he needs to win over people less inclined to believe he can do no wrong, and he is failing miserably.

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Yes Trump Can Win. Democrats Are Deluded If They Think Hillary Is A Lock.

The normal state of mind for the average Democratic voter is despair. Democrats and liberals fear their candidate will lose, always. But as it turns out, at least in presidential years, this fear of loss is a catalyst that gets Democrats and liberals to the polls. That has led to popular vote wins for Democrats in five of the last six presidential elections. The only exception was in 2004 when George W. Bush won the popular vote, giving him a second term as president. Unfortunately that pesky electoral college (and a controversial Supreme Court ruling) led to Bush, a Republican, winning in 2000 even though he lost the popular vote to Al Gore, a Democrat. For some reason this fear of loss doesn’t fuel Democrats to the polls during non-presidential years, a topic we’ll bookmark for another day.

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Enraged Trump Followers Subvert GOP, Country

On Tuesday, Donald Trump won the Indiana GOP primary, and with that, his quest to conquer the Republican Party is complete. That’s because Ted Cruz bowed out of the presidential contest last night, and today John Kasich also dropped out. That leaves Donald Trump, the bigoted, hateful, misogynist, loudmouth, xenophobic symbol of American white supremacists, as the presumptive nominee of the Grand Old Party.

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Will The Sanders ‘Revolution’ Fuel Voter Turnout This Fall?

During this primary season, Democratic turnout has been stagnant at best, often underperforming the 2012 cycle. If Bernie Sanders is leading a revolution, it’s not at the polls. There’s no question Senator Bernie Sanders has led a “campaign revolution” that has energized millions of young Americans. Unfortunately this revolution has not translated into real votes, at least not enough to swing the delegate count in favor of Sanders. Now that it has become increasingly clear Sanders will not win the Democratic nomination, we have to ask, what’s next? Bernie Sanders has every right to keep his campaign going. He has the money and he is not yet mathematically eliminated. But it is now time to assess the fall Democratic strategy.

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