Immigration Reform: Republicans Require Politically Advantageous Human Rights

Have you noticed this trend? — Republicans have a nasty habit of waiting until their position is politically untenable before they shift course and adopt a specific human rights cause. They do it time and time again. And let me clarify, I’m not talking about all Republicans, I’m talking about — old school, head in the sand, my way or the highway, cling to my guns and my religion — right-wing extremists. The problem is that many Republicans and conservatives have a hard time ignoring what should be the fringe and instead cater to it. So while not all Republicans have gone AWOL on human benevolence, all Republicans are culpable for the offensive and out of touch rhetoric and policies of their party.

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Regarding Obama: Sorry Fox News, There’s No Buyer’s Remorse

Fox News and it’s contingent of circus clowns and sideshow freaks have fostered a narrative of “buyer’s remorse” when it comes to President Obama. They have nurtured this idea through Obama’s entire first term and now into his second term. They point to things that Obama has done or not done, like not closing Guantanamo Bay, and posit that Obama isn’t following the will of his base. In other words, he’s not liberal enough. Of course this argument contradicts the rest of the Fox News coverage of President Obama where wing-nut pundits throw around terms like socialist and Marxist more times than an infomercial host saying “but wait, there’s more.”

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The Romney-Ryan Roadside Campaign Sign Problem

So I’m driving to work today along the same highway I use every day to get to work and I see the same two Romney-Ryan signs in the grassy area between northbound and southbound traffic. These signs have been there since well before election day, possibly placed in the ground only days after Ryan was named as Romney’s running mate.

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Eliot Spitzer: Republicans Devoid Of Consistency And Logic

Remember when Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and the rest of the Republican clown show were dumping on Obamacare because it cuts $716 billion from Medicare? Well, never mind that the cuts are actually cost savings that don’t affect benefits, the point is that Republicans wanted to look like the great defenders of Medicare. Now as part of a fiscal cliff deal Republicans are looking to do what? Cut Medicare spending. Wow, that didn’t take long.

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Conservatives Don’t Like Democracy

Have you noticed when conservatives lose elections, they don’t really like democracy all that much? Many of them don’t even like the country they live in. The people who call themselves the true defenders of freedom and the real Americans resemble neither when they are on the short end of an election result.

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