Global Cooling? NOAA Global Surface Temperature Anomalies Prove Otherwise

There’s no doubt much of the United States has been damn f’n cold lately, and we’ve yet to engage in those late November rituals involving turkey carving and conservative uncle debating. And when the weather turns cold, you know, during months that usually are cold for much of the U.S., climate-change-denying conservatives can’t help themselves, because Al Gore told them global warming/climate change meant that winter would cease to exist — well, at least that’s what they “heard.”

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Climate Change For Evangelical Christians: Actions Have Consequences

Those of us who accept the scientific consensus know there will be consequences of inaction on climate change. But instead of our inaction, what about the consequences of our actions? What we don’t consider is the consequences of our actions in a faith-based sense, that might speak to the evangelical Christians who reject climate change. Let me explain.

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Do Global Warming Deniers Know Nuclear Weapons Exist?

On a recent episode of Last Week Tonight on HBO, host John Oliver dedicated a 15 minute segment to American apathy towards our aging nuclear weapons. Oliver said we spend more time worrying about whether we “accidentally hit Reply All on an office email” than we do worrying about “nuclear annihilation.”

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Winter Storm Power Outages Reveal Problem For EVs

Yesterday the Philadelphia area was hit with an ice storm only thirty-six hours after a snow storm dumped as much as nine inches of snow in and around the city. The force of gravity combined with the weight of the wet snow and half an inch of ice proved too much for many trees in the greater Philadelphia area, resulting in what can only be referred to as “The Great Treepocalypse of 2014.”

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Reality Is Unkind To Climate Change Deniers And Fox News Viewers

Reality is an inconsiderate and harsh place for climate change deniers, so they must exist outside it. One of the things a conservative climate change denier (and is there any other kind?) might say to you, if you are ever so lucky to be in such a debate, is that you can’t trust the scientists. They will ask you why we should believe what climate scientists tell us. Or alternatively, and inconsistently, they will tell you that not all scientists agree the planet is warming and/or humans are responsible. Although on that last point, assuming they’re attentive to the tactics of right-wing media, they are “usually” careful to say “scientist” and not “climate scientist.”

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