August 21, 2012 by David K. Sutton
Eliot Spitzer – Number of the Day: Right-Wing Domestic Terrorism
Eliot Spitzer explains the total lack of congressional hearings or investigations into right-wing terrorism in America:
Which group has committed more acts of violent terrorism in the last 20 years, Muslim extremists or right-wing extremists? Not only is it the right-wing, it’s not even close. The Economist magazine credits right-wing groups with 145 incidents between 1990 and 2010 vs. 25 Islamic attacks. Fortunately, the House Homeland Security Committee has held 5 hearings on Muslim radicalism in the last 2 years, as well it should. But how many hearings having focused on the violent right-wing fringe? Our number of the day: zero, zip, nada – After a Wisconsin man gunned down 6 people in a Sikh temple this month – After a Texas man crashed his plane into an IRS building 2 years ago – After racists have formed networks in the military – still nothing. And for that we can blame politics.
Three years ago a unit in the Department of Homeland Security warned that economic problems and a newly elected black president could turn up the volume from conservative hate groups, the right-wing slammed the report and that DHS unit was gutted. But the warning was dead on. These attacks have only gotten worse, and instead of looking expansively at the problem, the GOP-controlled House committee has been looking everywhere except at the groups that committed 145 terrorist acts. Note to congress: Forget your party affiliation. You either take the threat of domestic terrorism seriously, or you don’t. – Eliot Spitzer