August 19, 2012 by David K. Sutton
Paul Ryan Supported Economic Stimulus Spending In 2002 Under President Bush
In 2012 Paul Ryan says he is against economic stimulus and he has repeated over and over that Obama’s economic stimulus spending in 2009 didn’t work. Up with Chris Hayes presented the following C-SPAN video from 2002 that shows Paul Ryan making the case for economic stimulus spending:
In a 2002 interview with the Journal Times, Ryan even more explicitly adopted the economic theory behind President Obama’s 2009 stimulus plan: “You have to spend a little to grow a little. What we’re trying to do is stimulate that part of the economy that’s on its back.” And Ryan is right even now: despite his repeated assertions that it was a failure, the stimulus package Obama signed worked.
Of course, Ryan abandoned this understanding of basic Keynesian economics the minute a Democrat moved into the White House. – ThinkProgress
What a hypocrite.