Voter ID Law Arguments With Friends And Family

It goes like this: Voting is such an important thing why would we not require a photo ID?

It’s tough to argue with someone when they just don’t get it. Yeah, their response back might be that you don’t get it, but they are wrong if they think it is ok to make it more difficult for certain groups of people to vote in an election.

I’m not quite sure how you explain to someone that we should never attempt to protect the integrity of voting by making it more difficult for some. I’m not sure how you explain to someone that their vote isn’t more important than anyone else’s vote, regardless of education or awareness of issues. And I’m not sure how you explain that there should never be qualifications in order to vote. These things should just be innately understood if you believe in democracy.

We should go out of our way to make sure the right to vote is protected and cherished. We should never make it more difficult for certain groups of people to exercise their rights as citizens of the United States.

So your uncle or cousin or friend might believe you are wrong but you at least have the satisfaction of knowing you will always be on the right side of history on this issue. With a little luck, maybe you can convince them to be on the right side of history as well.


Election 2012GovernmentVoter SuppressionVoting Rights

#citizen#disenfranchise#election#photo ID#rights#vote#voter ID