Is The United States-Mexico Border Fence A Symbol Of Freedom Or Racism?

The Arizona-Mexico border fence near Naco, Arizona, March 29, 2013. (Photo : Reuters)

The Arizona-Mexico border fence near Naco, Arizona, March 29, 2013. (Photo : Reuters)

When I see images of the U.S.-Mexico border fence, I know I don’t think strength. I don’t think freedom. I don’t think liberty. I don’t think compassion. I don’t think empathy. No, when I see that fence, I think of oppressive regimes. Now, to be fair, those regimes usually build fences to keep people in, not out, but still, does a country that prides itself on freedom need a fortified border fence? And if so, why is there no such fence separating us from Canada?

Let’s face it, in an era of net zero illegal immigration, talk (and legislation) advocating spending billions of dollars to further strengthen the border between the U.S. and Mexico, reeks of racism. We aren’t all that concerned if a few Canucks decide to cross into the U.S. unannounced. But Mexicans? — We’ve got to put a stop to that!


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