Colbert on Gerrymandering: Republicans Are Giving America The Finger

Tuesday night on The Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert summed up Republican congressional district gerrymandering with a visual approximation…

Colbert - Republican gerrymandering - the finger

and the following statement…

[T]hat’s the beauty of gerrymandering. Instead of voters getting to pick their leaders — leaders get to pick their voters.

Leave it to the comedian to make the profound statement. We know the mainstream media is mostly asleep on this issue.

On Wednesday night, Colbert proves that Republicans are giving America the finger…

The [Virginia] state senate is split 20 Republicans and 20 Democrats. Why didn’t the Democrats just stop them? — I’ll tell you why. Because these Republicans are alpha dogs.

— NBC 4 News Report: Republicans chose to introduce the legislation on a day when one Democrat wasn’t there.

Yes. They waited until Democrat Senator and long-time civil rights leader Henry Marsh left town on Martin Luther King Day to attend President Obama’s inauguration. How fitting. In the words of Dr. King, “I have been to the mountaintop, and while I was there, they heavily redistricted the promise land.”

This is desperation by a dying Republican Party. It may get them a few more election victories, but what’s the end game? They aren’t helping their brand. They aren’t changing minds. The demographics of this country are changing quickly and Republicans have decided the only way they can win is to cheat, because to compromise, adapt and moderate — in their view — is a greater evil.


#america#civil rights#congressional district#district#gerrymander#gerrymandering#Martin Luther King#Republican#Stephen Colbert#The Colbert Report#voters